Monday, December 29, 2008

Surviving disruptive change

Make no mistake at all about the present times: we are experiencing change on a scale that we haven’t imagined. At best we’ve encountered incremental change earlier. Nothing has prepared us for the kind of fundamental change of game (not just the rules) that has suddenly overtaken us More

Monday, December 22, 2008

Lessons from Karna's dilemma

Mali V. Madhavan Nair’s classic Karnasapatham kathakali explores critical elements of leadership and relationships. The master storyteller constructs a theme that is unmatched for pathos and poignancy More

Monday, December 8, 2008

Facets of accountability

The assault on Mumbai is like India’s ‘Pearl Harbour’. It has strengthened the resolve of ordinary Indians like no politician can even begin to understand. Millions upon millions are consumed by an internal fire that is no less than that which powered India to Independence in 1947. More

Friday, December 5, 2008

Commitments embedded in comments

CEOs and business owners better watch out! Every word they utter is recorded, interpreted, amplified and transmitted across the organisation and beyond. Furthermore, perceptions, attitudes, behaviour and performance are shaped by these ... More

Monday, November 24, 2008

Economic Paradigm shift

The current global economic scenario is not something we have experienced in our lifetime. Comparisons are being made with the Great Depression (1929-33) and later crises. However, it is dangerous to hark back to the past and try to recycle and refurbish previous policy responses. That is because the Indian economy and the global economy are vastly different from what they were even 5 years ago More

Monday, November 10, 2008

Leadership lessons from Kumble

For nearly two decades a billion despairing Indians found a role model who inspired them to aspire for greatness. That inspiration came not from sovereign sources but from Anil Kumble and his magnificent performances on the cricket field More

Monday, October 27, 2008

Coping with distress

No matter how bad the current bad news, opportunities abound for those who learn how to cope with the distress. If we keep a few general principles in mind we can ride out the crisis with élan like an expert surfer skims along the crest of the Big One with consummate finesse. More

Monday, October 20, 2008

Empowering the customer

Make no mistake about it: the business paradigm has truly shifted. Greed has paradoxically caused the global financial system to implode. The winner takes all, win-lose paradigm has been taken to its logical, catastrophic conclusion. more

Monday, October 6, 2008

Rules of empowerment

Jagdish is caught in a vicious cycle. He can’t leave the store for a moment because he doesn’t have anyone to entrust it to. And he doesn’t have anyone to entrust it to because he can’t trust anyone else. So he’s stuck in the store forever. The world is passing him by and he knows it. Jagdish is lashing out at his near and dear ones; his relationships are frayed. Long hours, a sedentary lifestyle and gnawing frustration are eating away at his health. More

Monday, September 29, 2008

Papaya theory of customer centricity

Customer centricity is something everyone talks about but hardly anyone practices. It’s really quite shocking to see that even today many businesses and companies treat their customers as “necessary evils” to be exploited, cheated, taken for granted or otherwise inconvenienced. Since IT is now available for every application CRM is almost universal. But in that process customers have been reduced to numbers like prisoners serving life terms! More

Monday, September 22, 2008

Leadership anaemia

Contemporary India is a seething mass of discontented super-competent people suffering from almost terminal leadership anaemia. That's why we're an unending story of missed opportunities and a messed up polity.. Who said that the current global ..more

Monday, September 15, 2008

Metrics do not make a leader

If we monitor corporate suites with a secretly installed CCTV we’d find that most top managers are doing the same thing most of the time! Despite all the hoopla about high-faulting strategy, they’re actually engaged in something ... more

Monday, September 8, 2008

CEO's secret weapon: Feedback

Sometimes we may wonder how the CEO manages to juggle his myriad priorities and indeed, himself. In between seminars, newspaper interviews and TV sound bites he also needs to put in the necessary effort to lead his organisation to results. .more

Monday, August 25, 2008

Games bosses play

Today’s corporate and business environment is unforgiving. Consistent results are the only survival guarantee. It is therefore important to learn to spot the games that people play, particularly the bosses, and then deal with them ... more

Monday, August 18, 2008

From Business to Institution

There are businesses and businesses! They make billions of dollars in sales and profits and, therefore, command vast resources and great power. And yet, few of them earn universal respect and admiration. more

Monday, August 11, 2008

Building a resultocracy

Businessmen are learning the hard way — that “doing business” is very different from leading an organisation. The challenge to established practices and the “way things have always been done” is mounting every single ...More

Monday, August 4, 2008

Principles of mentoring

Mentoring has been widely discussed and implemented in the Indian corporate context in recent times. So much so that it is in danger of becoming a fad amongst HR specialists. Virtually every conversation on human resources revolves around the ...More

Monday, July 14, 2008

No limits to excellence

CEOs and organisations can learn important lessons from the history that unfolded on Centre Court at Wimbledon on July 6, 2008. The gentlemen’s final of 2008 was arguably the greatest tennis match of all time...More

Monday, July 7, 2008

Competing without competing

Competing without competing is all about focusing energy and attention inwards to discover and utilise our true capabilities. We must learn to identify our own scale and constantly move up on it. More

Monday, June 30, 2008

7 lessons from Sam Bahadur

For corporate leaders aspiring to make the crossover from good to great, the Field Marshal’s life can be the ultimate inspiration.More

Monday, June 23, 2008

Human side of the CEO

How many times have you walked up and appreciated your boss sincerely? This is a question with interesting ramifications. Many times we hesitate because we’re afraid that the boss will assume that we’re indulging in flattery if not sycophancy. At other times we’re afraid of approaching him because he’s built such a formidable wall of aloofness around him. In either case the relationship with the CEO is not one that encourages a free expression of th oughts and इमोशंस। More

Monday, June 9, 2008

Family business mantras

New found economic freedom has unleashed entrepreneurship like never before in India. A combination of market opportunities, easier access to credit and fewer controls has motivated millions of people to take their economic destiny into their own hands. More

Monday, June 2, 2008

From Self Confidence to innovation

Times are changing… and fast! Business models are under threat from double digit inflation and competition on all sides. Oil prices, exchange rates and interest rates are combining with talent shortages, rising aspirations and climate change to produce an environment of uncertainty in which intractable problems and exciting opportunities are intertwined. In such a scenario profits can either evaporate like mirages in the desert or rain down in a deluge.More

Monday, May 26, 2008

Mismatched mindsets

Companies and people that fit together deliver outstanding results. Conversely, incompatibility guarantees mediocrity. Whether the fit is perfect is largely determined by mindsets. So the CEO is concerned with improving the fit between corporate ... More

Monday, May 19, 2008

Virtuous cycle of results

Every leader dreams of taking his organisation to the pinnacle. But the trek to the top is paved with heartbreak and hard work. Milestone after milestone is conquered with discipline and dedication. Not only must the leader keep himself on ... More

Monday, May 12, 2008

Commitments embedded in comments

CEOs and business owners better watch out! Every word they utter is recorded, interpreted, amplified and transmitted across the organisation and beyond. Furthermore, perceptions, attitudes, behaviour and performance are shaped by these ... More

Monday, May 5, 2008

Getting results consistently

Every CEO or business owner knows the pain of not achieving targets! Leaders of corporates are savaged by analysts, stock prices and their own boards for not delivering on the numbers. For small and medium business owners the price of ... More

Monday, April 21, 2008

Crafting a Vision

As the Managing Director of a large company Yogesh is just coming to grips with the complexity and nuances of the business. He knows that the company has hitherto been run in a rather loose fashion. Everybody seems to be pulling in different ... More

Monday, April 14, 2008

The CEO's Role

If you’re a CEO or a business owner, you’ve got your job cutout for you! You’re a holding a very special position. Why? Because the lives and fortunes of many, many people, families and organisations (employees, associates, ... More

Monday, April 7, 2008

Human Resource destruction

Indian companies are clueless about local cultures and the social mores that prevail in their associates, joint ventures and subsidiaries abroad.

Monday, March 31, 2008

The empire builder

What do you do when a top performer has carved out a personal fiefdom? Year after year Samaresh delivers growth and profitability. He’s developed strong networks that support him and indeed look up to him; he’s even built up ... More

Monday, March 24, 2008

Fear of decision-making

Every one dreams of becoming a leader and yet few, very few, actually become one! Most people end up in varying degrees of pseudo leadership. That’s a harsh but true description of most people occupying positions of leadership. Positions ... More

Monday, March 17, 2008

Stroke at the top

For CEOs it’s now or never. As leaders they have to set the tone for themselves and their companies by focusing on results through health, relationships and workMore

Monday, March 10, 2008

When people leave….

People are people and so despite every motivator they will leave! They carry an enormous burden of perceptions, assumptions and self-esteem that combine to create a psychological carrying capacity. When the threshold capacity for psychological ... More

Monday, March 3, 2008

Evolving into a CEO

Every young manager aspires to become a CEO, but sadly only a few make it. The top of the pyramid is unforgivingly narrow! The road to the top is long and hard and very, very slippery. Traversing this tortuous path calls for steely ... More

Monday, February 25, 2008

The CEO' s Conscience-Keeper

Sadly, if ever there is a community that’s been taken for granted it’s the secretaries. They slog for hours, often way past working hours, to ensure that everything is just right for the bosses.More

Monday, February 18, 2008

Dangers of atrophied listening

To prevent listening-atrophy eternal vigilance is mandatory. Listening can open the door to undreamt-of wealth in personal and professional relationships......More

Monday, February 11, 2008

The art of creating ownership

In conference rooms and seminar halls across India companies are now busy defining the final contours of their targets and budgets for the ensuing financial year. The top team is anxious to see what the numbers portend! CEOs, CFOs and COOs are on ... More

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Killer Instinct

On the sun-drenched veldt in Africa, a deadly drama of life and death is enacted daily. The lioness is on the hunt! She’s spotted her prey and is going for the kill! Ears flattened, body downwind, every muscle taut, all senses focused on ... More

Monday, January 28, 2008

New leader at the helm

new boss can set off a chain reaction! People start jockeying for positions; they compete to be first movers in capturing the boss’ mind space and attention. Comfort zones evaporate...More

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Insider-Outsider

The mentor is by definition a person with a passion for helping people and organisations achieve their potential. Other than that, he has no vested interest.More

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Is everybody out to get you?

The perpetual victim

V. K. Madhav Mohan

Annual budget meetings are just around the corner. It’s an exciting but stressful time! As part of his preparation Tanmay is garnering every bit of information to ward off the inevitable pressure from the “management”. As vice-president of a division that generates a Rs 400 crore per annum topline with a reasonable EBIDTA, Tanmay is on the frontlines of the corporate battleground.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Accountability vs motivation

The leader’s dilemma
V. K. Madhav Mohan

Every leader perches precariously on the horns of a dilemma: How can I balance my leadership style between accountability and motivation?Accountability is all about the past; more like a post-mortem of historical performance. Who is ...
